Past four months

It has been several months (almost four) since I jotted down my thoughts into this blog. Although, I wanted to be more active in my second attempt at blogging, it is clear that I haven’t been able to do so. Happily, the excuse that I can offer is that I have been spending a lot of time on online courses at Udacity (Introduction to Statistics) and Coursera (Machine Learning), and the Python programming language which I got introduced during the STAT course. Of course,  I  have also been working on my research problem apart from the Python, ML and Statistics.

I really love the concept of open, online education (Massive open online course or MOOC), and I firmly believe that it is the future of how we learn, and stay relevant in our profession throughout our lives. Gone are those days when a college degree was enough to sail us through our lives. Anyways, I am planning to blog about the impact of free, online education on the society at large, and on my own experiences sometime soon. While taking the statistics course, I also got introduced to Python programming language, and I have fallen in love with it. I have decided to write most of my code henceforth in Python, and the related tools relevant in scientific research, such as Numpy, Scipy, etc. I shall also write a separate blog post about Python soon.

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